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Simple JavaScript Interview Exercises


It's fine to talk about technology when interviewing someone, however, it's common to find that when you scratch the surface with some exercises, candidates don't really understand concepts. So, to ensure that the candidate understands the topic they are discussing, it is a good idea to test their knowledge with exercises that should not take too long and can instantly show you the candidate's skill level.

Context (call, apply)

This is how we want to use someFn. Candidate should define it.

var result = someFn({ someProperty: 'interview' }, function () {
  console.log('This pointing to', this)

console.log('Result is', result)

// expected output
// This pointing to { someProperty: 'interview' }
// Result is 1


var someFn = function (obj, cb) {
  return 1


You can change function to check if candidate knows how to use apply.

var result = someFn(
  { someProperty: 'interview' },
  function (param1, param2) {
    console.log('This pointing to', this)
    console.log('Param 1 is', param1)
    console.log('Param 2 is', param2)
  ['cool', 'interview']

console.log('Result is', result)

// expected output
// This pointing to { someProperty: 'interview' }
// Param 1 is "cool"
// Param 2 is "interview"
// Result is 1


var someFn = function (obj, cb, params) {
  cb.apply(obj, params)
  return 1

Prototype and Iteration

Define a native method called each for iterating over the array with an option to pass the context as a second argument.

var arr = [1, 2, 3]
arr.each(function (arrayItem, counter) {
  console.log('index', counter)
  console.log('item', arrayItem)

  arr[counter] = arrayItem + 1
}, this)


Array.prototype.each =
  Array.prototype.each ||
  function (cb, context) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { || this, this[i], i)


Define someFn which can work like this.

var counter = someFn(1)
console.log('First call', counter(3))
console.log('Second call', counter(1))
console.log('Third call', counter(5))

// expected output
// First call 4
// Second call 5
// Third call 10


var someFn = function (start) {
  var private = start

  return function (increment) {
    private += increment

    return private